Monday, October 19, 2009

Lately I've been using the Emergency Essentials Food Storage Analyzer to calculator all of my food storage needs. Something I wasn't thinking too much about was nutrition. I was just trying to get all of the basics and then start adding to it as we go. However in an emergency situation and possibly if we need to use our food storage for a longer duration it is going to be important to have a balanced array of foods. Especially for our little ones who are still growing. Using this new food storage calculator shows you how nutritious your food supply is. Personally I want to get more dehydrated fruits and vegetables. I have strawberries, apples, bananas, onions, and carrots, but there are many more I would like to get. This just got a little easier for me since Emergency Essentials is giving away a free $10 gift card. This will the 2nd gift card I've received from. You can also use your gift card towards non food related items. I like some of their candles and wool blankets.

Gift Card Giveaway

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