Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Snow Day

Just pictures!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

No More Diapers...

for Ashton at least!

We've been potty training Ashton for quite some time now. He would do great at home, but we would put him in a diaper when we left the house and for overnight sleeping. Early this week Taylor and I decided no more diapers for Ashton and since then he hasn't worn a diaper. So far no accidents while out and about and he's been able to sleep through the night without an accident too. Although he doesn't have a perfect track record for waking up dry it has been successful and I know he can do it now. I am so proud of Ashton and can't believe how fast he is growing up.

Monday, March 1, 2010

A New Calling

I'm really excited about my new calling. I've been called as the Assistant Ward Welfare Specialist. It's a new calling for our ward. It encompasses the callings of the Ward Employment Specialist and Ward Provident Living Specialist. Previously the wards welfare needs were being met by the leaders of our ward, but since that need is becoming so great they have called 2 of us to this calling and many more to be called to the committee as well.

Here is a definition provided by

“The stake presidency [or bishopric] . . . may call welfare specialists to assist the stake [or ward] welfare committee as needed. These specialists should be stake [or ward] members who can assist other members in such things as finding employment, improving nutrition and sanitation, storing food, obtaining health care, improving literacy, managing finances, and helping meet other welfare needs”

I truly feel called of God to serve in this committee. He has been inspiring me all week on ways I can serve and how to get this committee going. All this days before I was even asked by our Bishop.

Sister Duke and I had our first meeting yesterday as a committee and we already have so much planned for this month and next month. I can't wait to share the news with our ward, but for now it will have to wait. Other helpful tips I will also pass on to my family and friends. I may have to start a different blog, but I will let you all know.