Thursday, July 31, 2008
Nope, not yet! I went to the doctor yesterday and I am now 4 cm dilated. I am having lots of irregular contractions which is really annoying. Obviously it is doing something or I wouldn't be at 4 cm, but I am getting so tired of feeling contractions and thinking maybe this time they will stay and I'll have a baby soon. Then the contractions stop after a couple and I just think well that was fun.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Doctor Update
Just got back from the doctor and I am still moving right along. I am 3 cm dilated. I've been having irregular contractions on and off now for a couple of weeks. I'm just waiting for them to stick around and grow stronger. Cross your fingers it will be soon. Anyone want to make a guess as to when I will have this baby?
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Update on Church Callings
We found out today that Taylor has another calling. I'm sure they go hand in hand, but we found out today that along with being the Scout Master and a deacons advisor he is also the 2nd counselor in the Young Men's. Being in a small ward of only 150 active members means multiple calling for each person. Except me of course. Unless you tack on my calling as a mother. That's a pretty hefty one.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Bella's Bling
The North Pole
On Tuesday we got together with some family and went to a children's amusement park here just outside of Colorado Springs called the North Pole. It was a lot of fun. Our niece and nephews were there as well and it was fun to watch them take on all the rides.
Guess who else went on the rides? Not me of course. I was on the restricted list. Although, I was all for it. What was the worse thing that could happen? I would go into labor??? Okay!!!
Ashton went on 3 rides. He's 15 months can you believe they let him on? Well, it was a children's amusement park. Taylor had to accompany Ashton on all rides of course. In the cart in front of Taylor and Ashton is Chrystalee, Landon, and Ryleigh.

This was a giant candy cane slide
Beep Beep! Bad timing of catching Taylor waving
We were at the park for 5 hours and this is Ashton without a nap. He was pretty tired
After the park, he couldn't resist
Guess who else went on the rides? Not me of course. I was on the restricted list. Although, I was all for it. What was the worse thing that could happen? I would go into labor??? Okay!!!
Ashton went on 3 rides. He's 15 months can you believe they let him on? Well, it was a children's amusement park. Taylor had to accompany Ashton on all rides of course. In the cart in front of Taylor and Ashton is Chrystalee, Landon, and Ryleigh.
Ashton is so little it's hard to see him in the seat.
At this point it is really spinning fast and Ashton is hanging onto his daddy.
Later that evening we went to try out the Mexican food here which isn't as good as in Arizona, but we let Ashton color for the first time and he loved it!
Monday, July 7, 2008
House Pictures
I finally have pictures of the inside of the house for you.
Here is our living room upstairs. By the way, we got that entertainment center for $50 off of craigslist. What a deal!
Here is our kitchen and Ashton is eating in the corner.
Ashton's room
This was new for us to baby proof stairs.
Guest room. Sorry it's not a good angle
Downstairs bathroom. There is a small shower in here as well.
Downstairs family room and our office.
Church Callings
I thought I would pass on our new callings. For those of you who aren't familiar with callings it is an opportunity to serve in the church. I knew I wouldn't get a big calling because I'm kind of going to have my hands full with 2 kids under the age of 2. Once Ashton is 18 months it will be easier because he can go into the nursery, but that isn't for another 3 months. Anyway, I was asked to be the wards activities co-chair. I don't know a whole lot about it yet. I know that the next activity is the labor day picnic. This will be a good calling for me. I won't be busy every week and we can plan as many or as little activities as we want.
Taylor's got a dual calling. He was asked to be the Scout Master. Which mean he is in charge of the Boy scouts aged 12 and 13. He will help them achieve their merit badges and get together with them every Tuesday night at the church building. He is also the deacons quorum advisor. He will be teaching the same group of boys on Sundays. Taylor received his Eagle Scout when he was 15. Everything he learned to achieve that will help him to help these boys.
He will be very busy with work, school, being a husband and a father of 2 and now with church as well. We are excited for this new chapter in our lives.
Taylor's got a dual calling. He was asked to be the Scout Master. Which mean he is in charge of the Boy scouts aged 12 and 13. He will help them achieve their merit badges and get together with them every Tuesday night at the church building. He is also the deacons quorum advisor. He will be teaching the same group of boys on Sundays. Taylor received his Eagle Scout when he was 15. Everything he learned to achieve that will help him to help these boys.
He will be very busy with work, school, being a husband and a father of 2 and now with church as well. We are excited for this new chapter in our lives.
Baby Update
Last Thursday I was experiencing contraction like pains. They came and went and weren't too strong so I wasn't sure. I had them for about 1-2 hours. Today, I went to the doctor and she asked me if I was having contractions so I told her about the other night. She then checked my cervix and said, "You'll be happy to hear this." She said I was dilated to 2 cm and about 40% effaced. She said those were definitely contractions. Peyton had also descended into my pelvis about 2 weeks ago so she is ready to go. My doctor also said that I am far enough long that she won't stop my contractions if I go into labor. I'm getting excited and nervous that it could be any day now. It also could mean nothing and I will carry this baby to term, but always nice to hear something is going on.
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